
Napsal Gaia (») v neděli 30. 10. 2016 v kategorii Citáty, přečteno: 792×




  •   As long as you live you need to grow.
  • We are created by love and that cability to love is the only thing which define us.
  • You are strong as much as  you believe. 
  • It doesn´t matter how many times they call you looser...that you are useless.....don´t believe them...normal people wouldn´t told this to anyone....calm down...breathe..and go through the darkness to the light...
  • Your soul sense the eternity  and your intuition lead  you to the right  path - just listen....
  • If you failed try again and than again and in the end you will reliaze that the  important victory is when you are stronger than  you were before.
  • Accept you pain and  it will dissapear.... trust your heart more than you trust your pain.
  • Are you  asking  about your destiny ? Do what makes you happy and everything seriously everything in your life start making sense.
  • People will judge you no mather what you do so do what you want to do...
  • You can be born only as many times as you´re willing to die.


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